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Business FAQs

Account Creation

  • If you would like to create a business account with Mosey, you can do so by visiting our website and clicking “Create an Account” or you can contact us at to register your interest.


    You will need to provide us with photo ID (in the form of Passport or Driver’s License) as well as proof of ownership of your business. Once these documents have been verified, we will issue you with login details as well as a link for you to reset your password.

  • We usually aim for one business day to get verified. In the case of busy periods or further questions needed before we verify, it may be longer.

  • Your password needs to be at least 8 characters and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase, one symbol and one number.

  • We will send a verification code to your email. Please give this a few minutes to be sent, and check your spam! If, after over 20 minutes you still haven’t received your codes, repeat the process with your email, as it could just be a minor mistake in spelling or an error from us. 

    If this still doesn’t work, please contact and we will send you a new link to get you logged in.

  • Venue’s must have a food menu with at least 6 items on their menu, with the average price per item equalling €8 or more. Mosey does not host bars, pubs or clubs, unless they serve food.

Account Setup


  • Your logo must be stored on your device to add it. Click the “add your logo” button to open the file browser for your device and pick the image to upload. If your logo does not upload, it is most likely down to the format the photo is saved in. Mosey only supports .JPEG or .PNG files. Please ensure that your logo is in one of these formats before uploading.

    We recommend .PNG as it is a higher quality picture and will look better on your profile.


    There is no restriction in terms of file sizing.

  • Please add your registered company name as this is what we will use for our invoices and official business requirements. Your business trading name (what your business sign is, or what it’s known as) will be entered into the Venue Information section, although they may be the same thing.

  • Company information are your business details that your company is officially registered under. It is also your business registered address.

    Venue information may contain different information than your registered company information. This may be true for food trucks who have various locations, or may be true for companies that have one official address for the company, but have different locations or branches.

  • If your company has different branches or locations, you would add more locations. If you are one company, and your different locations have different names but you want a master key, you would add multiple locations.

  • When you create your first venue, you will get to add different locations if you choose. Each of these venues has their own venue information section, their own chat and booking system, and their own posting ability.

    Each venue also has their own password, so the manager of one branch won’t be able to access another unless they also have that password.

    If you have the passwords to each of the venues, you can access them all from your dashboard page and the Location button, and toggle between them. Otherwise, you can only access a singular venue for which you have the password.

    There is a button to post to all venues when posting an upload on your social screen, and this will then post the upload to all of the venue locations.

  • Each location has their own login details and password, so the manager of one branch won’t be able to access another without being given those login details.

    The password can be the same if you want managers to access them all, or completely different.

  • No, it does not. It does however need to be someone designated by the company to represent the business, change business details, act, post as well as correspond with customers on the businesses behalf, and for us to contact if there are any issues relating to the company’s account.

  • The phone number can be either, but it does need to be a number that we can call if there is something we need to contact the company with, which may require a fast and immediate response.

  • To change any of the above please go to the Settings page from your dashboard, Then go to Account Settings. This will then give you the option to change any/ all of your account settings.

    Once you have completed the changes, click “Save Changes” to update your account.

  • If you have forgotten your password, no worries! Click on the “Forgot Password?” button on the login page and it will send you the link to the email address registered for your account to reset your password.

Venue Setup

  • Please use your trading location here! This will be the location that appears on the Discover Section when customers search for you!

    It is also the location that will show on your company profile, and helps customers when they search by promotions.

  • No matter, just click on all the types that are applicable to your business.

  • You can host multiple locations. We give a master key for oversight of locations and then a password for individual location. Posts can be uploaded across multiple pages with one click.

  • If you have multiple locations, your next page will give you access to an individual location. You can set this up by adding locations under the “Locations” pin from your dashboard.

  • You will have the option to set logins for each location separate from your master account login.

  • These tags will be used by customers when filtering their search for food businesses. The more the better, as it will widen your availability to more customers’ searches! But please, remember our Terms and Conditions, and do not falsely represent your account by adding tags that don’t apply to your business.

    In order to provide a fair and transparent search platform for customers, and in order to be fair to our other businesses that follow this rule, we may have to suspend businesses that do falsify their tags. Businesses that repeatedly violate this may have their account removed.

  • No matter, just click on all the types that are applicable to your business.

  • We have tried to make our list of cuisines as extensive as possible to help you promote your business. If you serve a cuisine that you do not find on our list, please let us know! Your feedback will help us improve our service for your business as well as others. If you serve a cuisine that you don’t find on our list, please feel free to email us at and pending review we will work to get it added as soon as possible!

  • Please add all the cuisines that are relevant to your business by clicking on all cuisines that apply. But please, remember our terms and conditions, and do not falsely represent your account by adding tags that don’t apply to your business.

    In order to provide a fair and transparent search platform for customers, and in order to be fair to our other businesses that follow this rule, we may have to suspend businesses that do falsify their tags. Businesses that repeatedly violate this may have their account removed.

  • For this, please look at your primary menu items. Please note, these may not be just “mains” that apply to a restaurant, but may just be the most expensive section of your menu, such as your selections for brunch, or your breakfast items if you are a different business type. 


    Please take an average of these primary items, excluding one or two luxury items at max (such as a really expensive steak) and please do not include specials that change, unless your price for specials is always consistent. 

    From here, select a heading based on your average price range.

    Menu Pricing

    € - Less than €10

    €€ - Between €10 and €25

    €€€ - Between €25 and €40

    €€€€ - €40 or above

    Please note that pricing is a big deciding factor for many customers and is important for managing expectations. If customers arrive at your venue to find pricing varies widely from what is advertised on your profile, this could cause customer dissatisfaction, lead to negative feedback, and may result in account suspension

  • No, you do not! Please just look at your primary menu items. These may not just be “mains” that would apply to a restaurant, but may just be the most expensive section of your menu, such as your selections for brunch, or your breakfast items if you are a different business type.

    Exclude one or two luxury, excessive items at max (such as a really expensive steak) and please do not include specials that change, unless your price for specials is always consistent and then take an average from this.

  • No, it is not just for us! This is for your customers when they use the search filter to better find your business, and for customers to see beside your profile before clicking into it.

  • We may have to suspend your account if we find that you have. Trust and transparency is massively important to us and therefore, if you lie or mislead us on your pricing, or any of your company details, particularly those that show to customers, we may have to suspend your account in accordance with our Terms and Conditions. This is to provide a fair and transparent search platform for customers, and in order to be fair to all our other businesses that follow this rule. Businesses that repeatedly violate this may have their account removed.

  • We do try to ensure all the possible tags you’d use to describe your business are on the list. But, in the case that we’ve missed one, please contact us at to let us know and we will evaluate it and if it can be added. In some cases, we may not add it to the list you can choose from, in the case that it is too narrow in scope, or not as popular a search term, for use in filter lists in the Discover Section. Examples of this might be something like “grey wall view”. We don’t assume that many customers will wish to search by this, so we don’t add it to these filters. But, rest assured! In these cases, you can still add it as a tag later on your profile to be found by customers who search for it on tags. 

    Please see our difference between tags and describers section to fully explain this difference. The same applies for if you want to add more options to the list, please do let us know if you have some more to add, and we’d be happy to add them if we feel they’re needed by the criteria set above!

Profile Packages

  • Simply put, the Mosey Show profile includes everything a Mosey Booking profile does, except for booking ability and table management.

    A Mosey Booking profile has our full set of features.

  • A Mosey Show Profile allows you to advertise to all Mosey users, upload your business information, post to followers, post to the promotions page, post with sponsored posts, upload your menus, chat with customers, and be included in all the features customers use, such as Mosey Lists, if they add you to them.

  • A Mosey Booking Profile allows you to take bookings/ reservations. If you currently have a Mosey Show Profile, and want to upgrade to a Mosey Booking Profile, please go to the “Settings” section on your dashboard. Then go to “Upgrade Profile” to upgrade to a Mosey Booking Profile.

  • The Mosey Booking Profile is charged at €65.99 per month. You can change your profile package at any time and your monthly invoice will be adjusted accordingly.

  • No! The only interactions or data you will lose is your previous and future booking data if you are switching from a Mosey Booking Profile to a Mosey Show Profile.

Profile Management


  • To add a post to your profile, from your dashboard navigate to “Manage Profile” on the left hand side. From here, follow these instructions:

    1. Click “Add a Post”.

    2. Upload the picture or video you want to upload.

    3. Add a caption to it underneath (limit 500 characters).

    4. Click “Sponsor Post” if you wish to Sponsor the post. Please see How Do Sponsored Posts work for more details on our sponsored posts.

    5. If you don’t wish to sponsor the post, just click “Add Post”, and voila! Your post has now been added and will appear on your profile and on your followers social feed!

  • To view your past posts, just go to your dashboard or the “Manage Profile” section on your profile. Your posts will be the first thing to appear on this page and you scroll through all your past posts.

  • Yes! You can. You can do this by adding a post as normal, and when posting press the “post to all venues” button. This will then post the upload to all of the venue locations linked to your Mosey account.

  • No, you cannot. Mosey does not currently offer that feature but it is one we may include in the future.

  • No! We automatically assume if you are posting from one venue profile that you are only sponsoring for that profile. The post will show as a normal post on all other venue profiles, and as a sponsored post for the profile it is posted from.

    If you want to sponsor the post on other profiles, please go to each profile and under the post, click “Sponsor Now”. This will then sponsor all posts.

  • If you would like to delete a post that is old or may no longer be relevant, you can navigate to your posts via “Manage Profile” and click the bin icon in the top right corner of each post that you would like to delete.

Photos & Video

  • Not necessarily. Photos are your stock photos of your venue and could be the food you serve too. Posts may be completely different, like if you post that you’re closing for 2 days for maintenance. You might not want that to be a static photo but are happy for it to be a post. This is why we recommend that your Photos be your highest quality images of your establishment, food, or staff possible. They will be the ones that best represent the core of your business, i.e., what it looks like and what you serve.

    It also makes things much easier for users as they don’t have to scroll through all your posts just to see what your venue looks like!

    Photos do not appear automatically in users' Social Feed. To add it to your posts, and to add it to users’ Social Feed, just add the same photo as a post!

  • Currently there is no file size limit for pictures and videos. Images can be uploaded in either .JPEG or .PNG format. Videos are limited to .MP4 format and have a maximum length of 2 minutes

  • To delete a photo, just go to the Photos section. Then hover your mouse over the “X” button over the photo you wish to delete. A box will appear with the words “delete this photo”. Hit this button and it is deleted.

  • Unfortunately, you can’t retrieve any deleted photos or posts. You can repost them though and are more than welcome to do so.


  • In the Info section you can change or update your venue type, cuisines, venue describers and average cost. You can also add your opening hours, staff recommendations and dress code.

  • To add your opening hours, go to the Info section under Manage Profile. Then scroll down to opening hours and input your opening hours for every day of the week.

  • In Staff recommendations, write the dish you or your staff would most recommend to customers! This is a great benefit for customers to know before visiting.

  • To ensure the changes you make in the Info section show on your profile, please ensure you click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page. This button must be clicked to save the changes and update to your profile.


  • Tags are extra descriptors to describe your business. We recommend you be as specific as possible with tags, and include everything and anything that helps describe your business. This could be for the décor or venue itself like “antique chairs”, “wall art”, “ brightly coloured” or it can be food specific, such as “soup”, “homemade bread”, “beef cheek”. Remember, users can search by tags, so the more you add, the more options you have to be found by users!

    Please do not falsely represent your account by adding tags that don’t apply to your business. For more information, please see our Terms and Conditions.​

    In order to provide a fair and transparent search platform for customers, and in order to be fair to our other businesses that follow this rule, we may have to suspend businesses that do falsify their tags. Businesses that repeatedly violate this may have their account removed.

  • Describers are broad terms that are frequently used, such as “rooftop view”, “beachside” or “live music”. We use these frequently used terms to help customers filter their options.

    Tags are much more specific, and may be things for the venue itself like “antique chairs”, “wall art”, “ brightly coloured” or it can be food specific, such as “soup”, “homemade bread”, “beef cheek”.

  • If you’d like to add or edit your tags, navigate to the “Tags” tab within “Profile Management” and simply start typing in the tags box. If you’d like to remove existing tags, then click on the “X” on the tag you’d like to delete.

    To save/update these tags, please click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the tags page to ensure it updates to your profile.

  • If you don’t see a tag that you would like to add, simply type a new tag into the search box and click “Save Changes” the new tag will be added to your list of tags.


  • You can add as many menus as you want to your profile!

    If you do separate menus for different times of the day, we recommend uploading all menus.

  • To add a menu on Mosey, please go to “Manage Profile” from your dashboard. Then go to the Menu section. Please click the “Add a Menu”  button and follow these steps:

    1. Name your menu, such as “Breakfast Menu”, or “Evening Menu”.

    2. Name the section, such as “Small Bites”, or “Mains”.

    3. Input the first item name, price and your description of the item.

    4. Input the allergens for the item.

    5. When you are finished, click “Add Another Item” and repeat steps 3 and 4.

    6. If you wish to add another section, click “Add Section”, and repeat steps 2-4.

    7. Use the “Allergens Table” at the bottom of the page to input the allergens that are applicable.

    8. When you have finished, click “Save Menu”.

  • Yes to both! Please go to the Manage Profile page from your dashboard. From here, click on the “Menu” section. You will see your menus that are already created here.

    Under the menu click “Edit” and pick the item or section you wish to edit, then change the relevant information or “Delete” if you wish to delete an entire menu.

    When you are finished, click “Save Menu”.

  • It is Irish law to declare at least 14 allergens to customers for each of your menu items. Mosey takes no responsibility for the allergen advice you provide, or should you fail to provide it. This is the responsibility of the business, and those inputting the menu.

    Please see the Food Safety Authority of Ireland’s website, or relevant site in your area, for further advice.

  • You can post your menus across all your company locations!

    To do this, go to the Manage Profile section on your dashboard, then to the Menu section. Click “Add a Menu”, or “Edit” on an existing menu, depending which you’d prefer.

    When you do, at the top of the page, please toggle the switch that says “Post this on all location accounts”. Then click “Save Menu”. This will then automatically update to all of your company profiles.

  • You can definitely change your menus daily. Change, update or add a new menu as often as you like.

Analytics & Visibility


  • Clicks and impressions are both analytics for you to review how your profile is performing! An impression is how many people viewed your profile, and your clicks is how many people clicked into your profile, so they may differ. 

    Your impressions may be higher than your clicks because customers are seeing your page without clicking into it.

  • The best way to increase your profile and presence with these metrics is to sponsor a post. This will then reach customers who don’t already follow you! This will increase your impressions, clicks and potential customer base to a wider pool of customers who may not have known about your business before.

    Another great way to increase your clicks and impressions is to run a promotion and post it on our Promotions Page. This will get customers knowing you have a deal on and the details of it before they follow you.

    Other options for increasing this reach are asking your customers to “check-in” or to post a rating of your business. These check-ins and ratings will then be seen by your customers, followers and reach a wider audience base.

    You can also ask them to add you to their Mosey Lists. If these lists are set to public, it is another way for customers to find you.

  • Food is one of the most popular posts on social media, with 88% of users surveyed saying that they rely on online reviews and friends posting on social media to discover food. Mosey puts both in one place to get you those consumers faster.

Sponsored Posts & Promotions

  • Sponsored posts are a great way to increase your clicks, impressions, and awareness on Mosey. They work by reaching 200 customers who don’t already follow you.

  • Once you click “sponsor this post”, you will be asked to confirm it again with the payment method you wish to use (just to be sure), and then that’s it! Your post will now reach 200 people who don’t already follow you.

  • Sponsored Posts cost €20 for 200 views and are targeted towards users who don’t already follow you. If your post is also a promotion, you can try it on our Promotions Page too. Once you have reached your 200 view limit, the post will finish showing on the social feed of those people who don’t already follow you.

  • If you create a post you wish to post on all locations, and sponsor, there are two options. You can either sponsor the post for the profile you are posting from, or you can sponsor the same post across all of your location profiles.

    We will automatically assume that if you sponsor a post that is posted across all of your locations, that you are only sponsoring for the profile that you make the post from. It will show as a sponsored post for that profile, and as a normal post on all other location profiles.

    In order to sponsor the post on other profiles, please go to each profile and under the post, click “Sponsor Now”. This will then sponsor all posts.

  • Promotions are a great way to increase your clicks, impressions, and awareness on Mosey.

    The Promotions Page features promotions that businesses post to make customers aware that they are doing them. Once a promotion is run, it is completely random who features where on the page. There is no algorithm that determines your place on the list.

  • To run a promotion, you have three options of how to do so.

    First, you can do so from the Manage Profile section. In the top right corner, click on the “Promote Now” button. From here just follow the steps.

    You can also go to the “Info” section on your profile, and you will see “Create a Promotion” at the top of this page. Click this and from here follow the steps.

    You can also do it in the Settings section. Go to Settings and on the left hand side, below “Manage Payments and Cancellations”, you will see the option to “Promote”. Click here and follow the steps.

    In any case, you will write your caption (limit 500 characters), add an image for the promotion and select if you would like to promote across all your venues (if you have multiple locations). That’s it! Your post will now feature on our Promotions page and reach 200 people.

  • You do not need to upload an image with your promotion, this is entirely optional if you wish to add it! However, adding an element of visual appeal to your promotion may make it more likely to grab a customer’s attention.

  • Promotions cost €30 for 200 views. If you want to double your reach on the promotion, you can try to post it as a Sponsored Post too. Once you have reached your 200 view limit, the promotion will finish.

  • It is not. Your Sponsored Post will reach 200 users who don’t follow you as a rule. This is added to the amount of users who already follow you that would normally see your posts in their Social Feed. So your followers will see your post normally, and an extra 200 users will view it from sponsoring.

    Your promotion will run to 200 users in total as this is a destination page that people may view, whether they already follow you or not.

  • Mosey shows Sponsored Posts to people who are within a geographical area to receive them. This geographical limit is set by Mosey, not the users, and is usually within 40km of the user. Otherwise it is randomised.

    Mosey shows promotions to people who are within a geographical area to receive them. This geographical limit is set by the user. Otherwise it is completely randomised. 

    That is the only basis for our algorithm, so you can reach the users most likely to convert to a sale.

  • Sponsored Posts and Promotions are higher in cost on Mosey than on other social media sites because Mosey is specific for food, therefore reaching a much more defined audience for your posts. On other sites, your post will be shown to people who aren’t necessarily looking for food posts, food businesses or food promotions. On Mosey you know that’s exactly why they are there. This means there is a much higher chance of conversion to a sale from these posts, as that is exactly what customers are looking for.

  • This is just us absolutely ensuring which card you would like to use for the promotion, as different cards may be used for sponsoring a post or running a promotion than you use for your Mosey profile.


Booking Settings

  • You can edit the days and time you take bookings and edit your confirmation message and more under Bookings Settings. 


    To change your booking time or days, please select the time you wish to change to, then click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

  • To edit or update your confirmation message that customers receive when they book with you, enter your message in the dialogue box. Please leave the stars in place as this will automatically update when notifying the customer. Otherwise, you can personalise it as you wish.

  • The stars are an automatic process that updates the algorithm. Please leave the stars in place as this will automatically update when notifying the customer. Otherwise, you can edit or personalise your message as you wish.


    For example, if you leave it as “Thank you! Your booking has been confirmed for *PEOPLE_AMOUNT* at *DATE_TIME*.”, and a customer books for 4 people at 8:00pm on the 20th of November, this will automatically show on the customers message as:


    Thank you! Your booking has been confirmed for 4 people at 8:00pm on 20/11/2024. 

  • Customers receive a confirmation of booking straight to their chat on their customer profile. This ensures if there are any issues with a booking, we have receipt of it.

    A booking will also appear in the customers calendar to remind them of it.

  • Yes! You can. Once a customer makes a booking with you, they initiate a business dealing with you that allows you to contact them regarding their booking. Customers are notified of this arrangement and their agreement to it through our Terms and Conditions.

  • Go to the Bookings Settings section on the Manage Bookings page. From here, scroll down to Cancellation Fee.

    Input the amount you wish to charge a customer for cancellation, then click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page to save these updates.

    To hold a deposit on booking, go to Booking Deposits in Bookings Settings.

    Choose how many people you would like the rule to apply to, such as from 6-12 people, there must be a deposit of €60. You can add another deposit rule if it’s needed too.

    Once you have completed this, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page to update your profile.

Manage Tables

  • To change your table info for your bookings, go to “Manage Bookings from your dashboard. Then go to “Manage Tables”.

    From here you can change a table name, such as “Table 1”, or “Table 2”. You can change how many seats the table can hold.

    You can also change the table time limit, which is how long a customer is assigned their table for.

    You can then add more tables by clicking “Add Another Table”, until you have completed the updates.

    Once you have completed all your tables, click “Save Changes” to ensure that all updates are saved.

  • This ensures that the system can assign the right tables for as many customers as possible. So if a table has 4 seats but the max is 6 and another table has 6 seats but the max is 8, and a user asks for a 6 person table, the app will try to use the regular 6 seater before using the max 6 seater.

    If a booking for 4 is made but there are no tables left, the system may recognise that there are extra seats (in 2’s) where an extra table can be made to accommodate this new booking.

  • If this is the case, please ensure that you have the correct number of seats available total for the business, that way the system can assign new seats to users.


  • The Bookings Calendar allows you to view your bookings by month, week or day. From here you can also edit or delete a booking.

  • To edit or delete a booking, you have 2 options:

    1. Go to Manage Bookings and search for the booking in All Bookings. Then click the name of the booking, and you will be brought to the edit page. From here, you can update the date or time of the booking, number of people or the table the booking is assigned to. If you wish to delete it, click “Delete This Booking”.

    2. Go to your Bookings Calendar from the Manage Bookings page. From here, hover over the booking you wish to edit or delete or click directly on the booking to see more details.

    The booking information will appear, including name, table assigned, number of people, the time the booking starts and ends as well as the location. 

    To delete the booking, go to the top right of this box and click the bin icon (the icon in the middle). This will permanently delete the booking and remove it from your calendar.

    To edit the booking, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the display box. This will then bring you to the edit page, where you can change the date, time, number of people and which table you want the booking to be placed under.

    When you have completed this, click “Save” to update the booking.

  • To view your upcoming bookings, go to the Manage Bookings section of your profile. Here, you will see all your booking history and the customer booking name, contact number, time/date, and number of people it is booked for.

    To view your upcoming bookings in a calendar format, please go to the Bookings Calendar in the top right-hand side of the screen.

    From here you can view your upcoming and past bookings by month, week or day.

Booking Management

  • This means your venue is fully booked and cannot take any more bookings.

    If you know that your venue is not fully booked, please ensure the date and time is correct as well as checking all of your tables have been added correctly and try again. If the issue persists, please contact us at

  • First, you need to ensure that your tables are added correctly. Go to the Manage Tables section, and fill out the required information for every table. Ensure you click “Save Changes”.

    Then check that your Bookings Settings are stored correctly. Go to Booking Settings and update as appropriate.


    If the problem doesn’t fix, please contact support at

  • You can edit the date, time, number of people and which table you want the booking to be placed under.

    For further steps on how to do this, please view How Do I Edit a Booking.

  • To manually input a booking into your system, please go to Manage Bookings from your dashboard. From here, click Add Booking. This will direct you to the Booking Page.

    Input the Booking Name (customer name), date and time, amount of people, and assign the booking a table. Then click “Add Booking”.


    This will then add the booking to your Bookings Calendar.

  • To charge a cancellation fee, go to Manage Bookings from your dashboard. From here, search for the booking in All Bookings. 


    The option to charge the cancellation fee is on the right hand side of the booking. Click this button to charge it.

  • Payouts are typically processed within 3-5 business days.

  • You will receive all new bookings via a notification from your notification page in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard. Notifications for edited and deleted bookings will also be here. 

    The notifications page shows you your likes on your posts too.



  • Mosey needs your bank details to bill your account for services provided which are listed under “What services does Mosey provide that are billable to me/ my account?”. 

    It will also need your bank account details to debit your account if you take deposits on bookings, or have a cancellation charge. This money will then be debited to your account from the customer.

  • Mosey bills your business for the following:

    1. For your business profile, either Mosey Show (free to use) or Mosey Booking (€65.99/month)

    2. For any sponsored post that you make (€20 per post)

    3. For any post you make to the Promotions Page (€30 per post)

  • Please use whichever account you would like Mosey to bill for services provided.

  • Mosey has integrated Stripe as its payment gateway to ensure trusted and safe transactions for businesses and users.

  • Mosey uses Stripe to store card details and process billing and payments. Stripe uses best-in-class security practices to maintain a high level of security. For more information about Stripe’s security practices and policies please click here.

  • You will be billed automatically every month for the previous month’s usage. The date is determined from the date you registered your account.

  • Your account will be billed monthly for the previous month’s usage. The date is determined when your account is registered. Payouts are typically processed within 3-5 business days.

Failed Payments

  • If your payment fails, we will notify you of the failed payment, provide the reason for failure, and attempt to retake payment in 3 days.

    If your payment fails again, we will notify you that your profile will be hidden from user view and attempt again in 7 days.

    After 7 days if the payment fails again you will be issued a final notice and we will retry to take payment again after another 7 days.

    If all three retry attempts fail, your profile will be hidden from public view and you will lose access to booking features. You will still be able to log into your account to make a payment.

    Once a payment has been successfully made, your account will be re-enabled.

  • No. See “What happens if my payment fails?”

  • We will let you know by email if your card payment to us fails, in which case your profile may be hidden from users until the issue is resolved. If your payment to Mosey fails it could be for a number of reasons, some of which may include:

    1. A problem with your card details. Please ensure we have the correct card details stored for your account. To check this, please go to the “Settings” page on your dashboard and navigate to “Manage Payments and Cancellations”.

    2. Your bank declined it. If your card details are correct, there could be an issue with your payment provider. This could be as it’s a new or unusual transaction. Please contact your bank to provide more details.

    3. Insufficient funds. Please ensure you have the correct amount of funds available for your transaction with us.

    4. Stripe blocked the payment. Stripe may block the payment if the card is picked up by Stripe Radar as fraudulent.


    For a full list of failure codes please see Stripe decline codes.

    If you need to contact us regarding a payment, please email us at

  • Stripe Radar blocks high risk payments to prevent fraudulent payments. If the card details are correct, please use another card. Please contact us at if you have not/cannot use another card and we will attempt to contact Stripe on your behalf.

Changes to Your Profile

  • Yes! Of course you can. You can update it at any time in the future under the “Settings” section on your dashboard.


    If you wish to change from a Mosey Booking profile to a Mosey Show profile, you can do this under the same section.

  • You will lose your ability to take bookings, and lose your table management features, one week from when you make the changes. Please note, all of your previous or future bookings will then be lost.

    Your payment will also change at the end of your billing cycle and will automatically update to the new price.

  • You will get your table management and ability to take bookings immediately.

  • If you upgrade your profile, the cost of your new profile will be charged pro rata back to the date you changed from.


  • Payouts for charges collected in connection with bookings are typically processed within 3-5 business days.

  • If you are expecting a payout and it’s been more than 5 business days since the charge was collected, contact us at and we will work to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.

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