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User FAQs

Account Creation

  • Great! To make a Mosey account, you need to first download the app from the App Store or Google Play, depending on your device.

    Then follow the prompts to Create An Account with us.

  • Your password needs to be at least 8 characters and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase, one symbol and one number.

  • We will send a verification code to your email. Please give this a few minutes to be sent, and check your spam in case it was sent there. If, after over 20 minutes you still haven’t received your codes, repeat the process with your email, as it could just be a minor mistake in spelling, or an error from us. 

    If this still doesn’t work, please contact and we will give you a new code to log you in.

Searching & Mosey Lists

Finding Businesses

  • To find new food businesses, please navigate to the Discover section. This will then allow you to search by venue name, filters, or by tags.

    You can also search by Mosey Lists or Promotions to find new businesses.

  • Mosey does not host bars, pubs or clubs, unless they serve food. Venue’s must have a food menu with at least 6 items on their menu, with the average price per item equalling €8 or more.

  • Mosey uses the average price of the primary items on a venue’s menu for the price filter. Please note, these may not be just “mains” that apply to a restaurant, but may just be the most expensive section of a menu, such as selections for brunch or breakfast items. 

    One or two luxury items are excluded at max (such as a really expensive steak) and specials are not included, unless a venue’s price for specials is always consistent.

    Price headings are based on the venue’s average price range.

    Menu Pricing

    € - Less than €10

    €€ - Between €10 and €25

    €€€ - Between €25 and €40

    €€€€ - €40 or above

    These prices do not include supplementary item costs, such as starters, sides, desserts or small bites, unless they are the primary food items on the venue’s menu.

  • You can find all these options in the Discover section. You can also access the Discover section from your news feed in the Social section.

    To search by one of these options, click the option at the top of the page to search using that criteria. For example, if you wish to search by Mosey Lists, select Mosey Lists, then type the criteria you wish to enter.

  • The search bar allows you to search Mosey Lists, Venues, People and Tags.

  • Go to the Discover section, from here, press “people” at the top of the screen, and then search the name of the account you wish to find.

  • Searching by tags is a search for something very specific. For example if you wanted to find, “toasted sandwich”, go to the Discover section, then the Tags section and type “toasted sandwich” into the search bar.

    Then any business who has “toasted sandwich” as a tag will appear and you decide which one you want!

  • To filter your search criteria, click on the three-line icon on the Discover page, under “Venues”.

    This will then allow you to search by how many seats you need and the date and time (for bookings only).

    For all searches you can filter by venue type, rating, distance, price, cuisine and a few select describers.

    We do try to ensure all the possible describers are on this list, but, in the case that we’ve missed one, please contact us at to let us know and we will evaluate it and if it can be added. In some cases, we may not add it to the list you can choose from, in the case of it being too narrow in scope, or not as popular a search term, for use in filter lists in the Discover Section. Examples of this might be something like “grey wall view”. We don’t assume that many customers will wish to search by this, so we don’t add it to these filters. In these cases, you can still search it as a tag.

  • Describers are broad terms that are frequently used, such as “rooftop view”, “beachside” or “live music”. We use these frequently used terms to help customers filter their options.

    Tags are much more specific, and may be things for the venue itself like “antique chairs”, “wall art”, “ brightly coloured” or it can be food specific, such as “soup”, “homemade bread”, “beef cheek”.

  • When selecting filters by pressing on the “three-line” icon under “Venues” in the Discover page, scroll down to select filters based on Taster Rating and Patron Rating.

  • We do try to ensure we have a wide range of cuisines for you to select from, but, we recognise that we may miss a few or they may be deemed too narrow in scope for us to cover in cuisines.


    For example, we may have Brazilian as a cuisine, but if there are a low number of Brazilian businesses signed-up, we may not include it.

    Criteria for cuisines is done on a case-by-case basis, depending on popularity, number of businesses, and volume of cuisines in the cuisine list at any one time.

  • Mosey uses your location to deliver some services to you such as distance in the Discover section or when searching for promotions. In order to use these features, you must have location permissions enabled for Mosey.

    To do this, go to your device Settings, then to Apps, then to Mosey, and allow Mosey to use your location.

  • To search for venues in another city or place, please go to the Discover section and then to “Venue”. Click the three-lined icon that will bring you to filters. Scroll down to Locations. Then type the location that you would like to search in, click Apply Filters, and your search results for your chosen location will show.

  • Promotions are promotions set by businesses. A promotion can either be a caption and picture, or just a caption. 

    You can filter promotions by distance. To do so click the filter button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  • Yes, posts on the Promotions page are paid for by businesses.

Business Profiles

  • To follow or unfollow a business, go to the business profile, then click on “Follow”. This will then show the business’ posts in your social feed. To unfollow a business, click the same button.

  • You can view a venue’s location by viewing it on the map page in the Discover section, or by going to the venue’s profile and under “Location” located below the “Follow” button.

  • You can view past ratings on a venue by going to the venue’s profile, then clicking on “View Ratings”. The past ratings by customers for this venue will then appear.

  • To remove or change a rating, please go to the venue’s profile. You will see your rating under “Your Rating”. 

    Click “Remove Rating” and confirm to remove the rating. You can then update or change the rating.

  • To view a venue’s past posts go to the venue’s profile, then to Posts. The venue's past posts will appear in order of newest to oldest.

  • Menus are located under the Menu section of the venue’s profile. A venue may have multiple menus. Click on the menu you wish to see.


    To view allergen information, the venue will list it under each food item. To see the allergen table, click “View Allergens”.

    Mosey is not in any way responsible for the input of allergens from venues, nor the accuracy of allergens, or the allergens contained in a venue’s food.

  • To share a menu, go to the relevant menu you wish to share, and click the linked circles icon in the top right corner. This will then give you the option to share this menu.

  • This information can all be found under the Info section on a venue’s profile.

  • To report incorrect opening hours, message or contact the venue directly and they will update them.


    If they don’t, please contact us under the Contact Us section in Settings. Please include the venue’s name and location when reporting this information.

  • Staff recommendations are decided by the venue! It is what they would recommend you to have.

  • Photos may be completely different from Posts. Posts may be a venue posting that they are closing for two days for renovations, whereas Photos are pictures that are less likely to change, such as décor or their food.

Mosey Lists

  • A Mosey List is a favourites list, that you can title whatever you wish and include businesses that you wish to attend in it. You can create a list with a contact in your phone but that is not mandatory. Other users can then follow these lists if you set them to public.

  • To save a Mosey List to your Mosey Lists, first locate the list and click into it.

    At the bottom of your screen, click “Add To My Mosey Lists”. This List will then appear in your Mosey Lists.


    To search for a Mosey List, go to the Mosey Lists section or the Discover section and then the Mosey Lists tab. Type the name of the List you wish to find to search it. Click on the list to open it.

  • That’s no problem at all! It could be that no one has thought of your idea yet for a Mosey List. In that case, you can create a List yourself, or you can wait until someone else does.

  • This could be that the person doesn’t yet have an account yet. If you are sure they do, please ensure you have spelled their name correctly.

    If you are sure you have, and that the account still isn’t showing, please contact us at

  • To create a new Mosey List, go to the Mosey Lists section, then to “My Mosey Lists”. Here you will see all the Mosey Lists you have either created or followed. To view a list, click into it.

    To create a List, click Create A New List. The follow the following steps:

    1. Name your List

    2. Decide to make it public or private

    3. Decide to add contacts to your list, or make a personal list with just you

    4. Click “Continue” if you wish to make a personal list. Click “Add People” if you wish to add contacts. Skip to point 6. If you wish to make a personal list.

    5. Tick the contacts you wish to create a list with. Then click “Create List”.

    6. Click “Add Places” to add venues now. 

    7. Tick the venues you wish to add to your list, or search for them via the search bar.

    8. Click “Done”. Remember, you can always add more places to your list in the future.

    To add a venue from the venue’s profile, please go their profile. Then click “Add to My Mosey Lists”. Please choose which list you wish to add the venue to.

  • To delete a Mosey List, go to the List you wish to delete. Click on the three dots at the top of the list. From the pop-up, click “Delete this list”. Once a list is removed it cannot be recovered.

  • To remove yourself from a Mosey List, go to the List you wish to remove yourself from. Click on the three dots at the top of the list. From the pop-up, click “Remove myself” and confirm. Once you have confirmed this, you cannot be added back to the list without creating a new list.

  • You will receive this as a notification in your notifications. You must click “Accept” to be added to a Mosey List.

  • Trending Mosey Lists are determined by different criteria, primarily the number of followers they have, and how many followers/ views they have gained in the days or weeks preceding. 

    Mosey Lists cannot be paid for or sponsored.

  • Yes, in both situations, you must clearly identify in the name of the List if it was paid or gifted, by inputting the word *PAID* or *GIFTED* as the first word of the title.

  • Yes, you must declare this by clearly writing “Ad” or “Gifted” so it is clear to other users, or make it clear in the caption that you have been paid or gifted.

    Mosey takes no responsibility if you fail to disclose this information.

Ratings & Badges

  • A venue will change colour from yellow, to brown with a tick, once you have posted a rating of them.

  • Badges are given to customers who have rated a particular cuisine 20 times or more on Mosey.

    You receive a badge for that cuisine once you have completed your 20th rating.

  • When using Mosey, you will see different ratings for venues, under the heading “Taster” and “Patron”.

    A Taster is someone who has rated a particular cuisine 20 times or more on Mosey, a Patron is someone who has rated that cuisine less than 20 times. 

    Please note, Mosey does not verify ratings and accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

  • The check-in and rating are from the user who posted it and represents their own personal rating of the venue they’ve visited.

Posting & Reviews

  • To make a post, go to Social, then click on “New Post”. 

    From there, you must check-in when posting and give a rating. Then you can choose to add a caption and/ or to add photos or videos.

  • You must include a check-in to a rating when you post on Mosey. You have the option to add a caption to your post, or to add pictures. You can add up to 3 photos/videos with a post.

  • No! You can review your favourite venues as often as you like. However, mobile check-ins are required for each review.

  • You can post to your Social Feed as much as you like to tell your followers about the venues you’ve visited. Please note that we do not allow the posting of any form of abuse, harassment, or bullying, whether physical or otherwise, in any way. For more information see our Content Guidelines.

  • You can only add 3 photos per post. There is a 500 character limit to captions.

  • This is most likely because you haven’t given Mosey permission to access your Gallery. Please ensure you give this permission by going to Settings, Apps, Mosey and enabling the permission for photos. 

    If this doesn’t work, please ensure you have the most recent updated version of Mosey installed. You can check this on the Play Store or App Store. You may need to delete the app and redownload it to ensure you have the newest version.

    If the problem persists, please contact us on

  • There is not a file size limit on uploads.

  • Hiding a post from your profile means the post will only show to you when you view your profile, even from your followers and even if your profile is set to private.

  • They are chosen at random, there is no criteria for which we order them on your profile.

  • To like or unlike a post, click the ‘fire’ icon underneath the post. When the icon is yellow, the post is liked, when it is empty, the post is unliked.

    You can’t add comments to posts.


  • You can only chat or message with businesses on Mosey. You can ask businesses questions about their business or product, and you will also receive your booking confirmation in your chat.

    Businesses are not allowed to contact you first, except in the instance of booking confirmation, as per our Terms and Conditions.

  • You can message or contact a business by going to the business profile, either through your social feed or through the Discover section.


    Click “Message” when you are on the business profile, then type your message to the business and click on the arrow button to send.

  • Businesses are not allowed to contact you first, except in the instance of booking confirmation, as per our Terms and Conditions.

  • You will receive your booking confirmation through your chat. This is for ease of records. If you haven’t received your booking confirmation, please allow one hour for this to be sent.

    If you still haven’t received it, please contact the business directly to ensure they have the booking. They will confirm with you if they have the booking or not.

    If they don’t have the booking, please attempt to book again as there could have been an error in input details for the booking, or an error from our side. If that works, brilliant. If it still doesn’t work, contact us at and we will liaise with the business on what the issue is.


  • To report a profile, go to the user’s account, then click the three dots in the top right-hand corner. A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Please click “Report”, where you will be asked the reason to report this account and to then confirm you are reporting the account.

    We will then review the user’s account for the reasons you have stated and determine whether to suspend, deactivate or allow the user’s profile to remain on Mosey.

    While we respect users' right to free speech and opinion, we are committed to keeping a safe online community for all. For this reason, we predominantly deactivate or suspend profiles if they break one of the 9 forms of discrimination: gender, marital status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, and membership of the Traveller community.

    Other reasons we may suspend an account is hate speech, incitement to violence, egregious posting, posting of graphic, sexual or violent material, posting of criminal activity, harassment, including bullying (to users and venues), harassment and sexual harassment. 

    This list is not exhaustive, and if we find reasonable grounds to suspend or deactivate an account, we will. We do however, determine this on a case-by-case basis, and reserve the right not to be governed by past decisions. The reporting of a profile does not guarantee or imply that the reported user’s account will be suspended or deactivated, but guarantees that your report of the account will be investigated.

  • We endeavour to get back to all contacts as soon as possible, while usually it may take 3-5 working days.

  • Usually, when we find a page that goes against our Terms and Conditions, or it is reported to us that a user may have, we follow the following procedure:

    1. Investigate the flagged issue, either by our staff or reported person

    2. In some cases, ask for further information or data from the person who reported the issue or the person whom the alleged complaint is against. Note, this is not for all cases as we may already have the required information available

    3. Issue a warning, suspend the account for a set amount of time, deactivate the account or leave as is. Depending on the infringement, we will take one of the above steps. Mosey will try to be as consistent as possible, but we reserve the right to determine the outcome of an investigation on a case-by-case basis and to impose whichever punishment we deem fit, if any. This is due to the varying degrees of transgressions and their impact. For example, if someone posts a caption that is discriminatory, but was used in a light-hearted way or lacked education (such as the language typed in is not the user's first language), we may suspend the account or issue a warning. If we believe that it may have caused genuine angst amongst other users, that it qualified as hate speech, or was extremely egregious, we may terminate the account completely.

  • To block a user’s profile, go to the user’s account, then click the three dots in the top right-hand corner. A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Please click “Block”. This will automatically block the user.


    They will be unable to view your account, posts, or Mosey Lists. They will also be unable to add you to Mosey Lists. When they search for your account, your name will not appear.

    The user will not be notified if you have blocked them.

  • To unblock a profile, go to the user’s account, then click the three dots in the top right-hand corner. A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Please click “Block/Unblock”, where you will be asked to confirm that you are unblocking the account.

    Please note, if you unblock a user, they will once again be able to view/search your account if you have accepted their follow request, your Mosey Lists, and all other public information.

  • If you have been blocked, you will not be notified of it. If a user’s account does not show when you search for it, they may have blocked you, or the account may be hidden, deactivated, or suspended.

  • You can block a user for any reason on Mosey, you are not required to have a reason, nor will you be asked for one.

    Blocking differs from reporting a profile, where you will be required to have a reason for the reporting.

  • To view the user accounts you have blocked, go to the Social section and then click Settings from the bottom right.

    Go to Security and the list of blocked users will appear, where you can keep them blocked, or unblock them.

  • To unfollow a user on Mosey, go to the user’s profile, and click “unfollow”. This means the user’s posts will stop appearing in your social feed.

Settings, Terms & Permissions

  • To change your profile from public to private, or vice versa, go to the Social section and then click Settings from the bottom right. 


    Go to Security and then click either “Private” or “Public”. The change may take a few seconds, but in most cases it will be instantaneous.

  • To view your past ratings, go to the Social section, then to Settings, then to History.

    You will see your past ratings and reservations listed here.

  • To update your email or password, go to “Social”, then to “Settings”, then to “Account”.

    Make the changes you wish to make, then click “Save Changes”.

  • To find the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy or to contact us in-app, please go to Social, then to Settings and then click the appropriate heading.

    When contacting us, please click if it is an ordering issue, booking issue, or other reason, as well as your message.

  • Mosey requires permissions to access your location data and your gallery. This is to provide accurate search results relevant to your location and to also verify your location for check-ins and ratings. We require access to your gallery to enable you to include pictures and video with your posts. For full details please see our Privacy Policy.

  • Mosey collects data in order to provide a better service for our users. We collect your information in three ways: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, and Information From Other Sources. For full details please see our Privacy Policy.

  • If you would like to view a record of your Mosey data or request that this record be deleted, feel free to contact us at

  • Mosey uses ads to decrease the costs to businesses and to provide a free to use platform for users.

Notifications, Plans, & Booking

  • You will receive notifications for likes on your posts, when you’ve earned a new badge, new followers and requests on your created Mosey Lists, and changes to your bookings.

  • Your next plans are one of two things, either your next booking that you’ve made with a venue, or your next plan that you have placed in your calendar.

  • Add to Calendar adds a venue to your calendar for a time and date of your choosing. 

    It does not need to be a booking/ reservation, and can be any other planned visit you have. You just pick a time and date you wish to visit the venue on, and then pick a date or time to remind you on! Then click “Add to Calendar”.

    You can then view this reminder in your Calendar section.

  • To view an event in your calendar, go to the Calendar section. Then locate the event. This will give you the time, date and location of the event.

  • To filter your calendar, go to the Calendar, then click the line icon in the upper right hand corner. Select which option you wish to choose from in the pop-up. This will then show your chosen criteria.

  • To book or reserve a table at a venue, you have 2 options. Skip option 1 if you already know the name of the venue you wish to reserve.

    1. Go to the Discover Section, and then click on the three lined filter button. This will then allow you to input your time, date and number of people that you require. This will then show you which venue’s have tables available at this date.

    2. Search for the venue you wish to reserve. Go to the Booking tab on their profile. Input the required information for the reservation. Pick a time and date that you wish to receive a reminder for the reservation on. 

    Ensure you click “Book This Place” to clarify your booking. 

    Your booking is only confirmed once you receive a confirmation message in your chat from the venue.

  • Your booking is only confirmed once you receive a confirmation message in your chat from the venue.

  • If there was a mistake with your booking or reservation this lies with the business, please contact the business directly. 

    If it was a technical error on our part, we will investigate this issue until it is fully resolved.

  • Mosey is not responsible for the accuracy of cancellation policies. If you have any confusion regarding your booking or anything regarding your booking, please contact the restaurant directly.

  • If you have any queries regarding extra requirements, please contact the venue directly. 

    Mosey is not responsible for the accuracy of a venue’s booking information.

  • To edit or cancel your booking, please go to the Calendar section and locate your booking. Click on your booking. Your booking will appear.

    Click which option you would like to choose from “Edit Booking” or “Delete Booking”. Edit Booking will bring you to the venue’s page that allows you to edit the required information.

    Deleting the booking permanently deletes the booking. It cannot be retrieved.

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